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Do solar panels work on cloudy days?

To the solar panels

Solar modules and cloudy days: how this relationship works

Do solar panels also work on cloudy days? The short answer is yes. However, different weather conditions affect the efficiency of your solar panels. The following article describes how your solar panels can react to different weather conditions depending on the type.

Do solar panels work when it's cloudy or raining?

Although solar panels are most effective when exposed to direct sunlight, they also work when the light is reflected or partially blocked by clouds. Even in the strongest of storms, visible light will always penetrate through the clouds and rain, provided your solar panels are free of snow, dirt, leaves, or other debris.

Efficiency of solar panel systems: weather conditions and solar panel type

The type of solar panel you install and the weather conditions are the most important factors when it comes to the efficiency of the solar system. Each module type works with different efficiencies and can react differently to certain weather conditions. The following section describes the different weather and panel types, while the next section takes a closer look at efficiencies and weather conditions.

Weather Conditions

  • Sunny: No clouds in the sky
  • Partly cloudy: Between ⅜ and ⅝ of the sky is covered with clouds
  • Mostly cloudy: Between ¾ and ⅞ of the sky is covered with clouds
  • Cloudy: The sky is mostly covered with clouds
  • Cloudy and rainy: The sky is mostly covered with rain clouds
  • Cloudy and snowing: The sky is mostly covered with snow clouds

Solar panel type

  • Monocrystalline solar panels: Monocrystalline panels sliced ​​from a single crystal of pure silicon.
  • Polycrystalline solar panels: Panels made of different silicon crystals.
  • Thin-film solar modules: Panels made of fine, flexible layers.

Efficiency losses in solar modules depending on type and weather

Weather conditions affect your solar panels. At worst, snowy weather can completely block sunlight. Other weather conditions will have a milder impact on the efficiency of your solar panels. The table below provides a rough overview of how different weather conditions affect the efficiency of your solar panels.

Solar modules
Solar modules
thin film
solar modules
Sunny Up to 22% efficiency About 15% efficiency Maximum 10% efficiency
80-90% of optimal
80-90% of the optimal
80-90% of the optimal
60-70% of the optimal
60-70% of the optimal
60-70% of the optimal
Cloudy 30-50% of the optimal
30-50% of the optimal
30-50% of the optimal
Cloudy &
10-20% of the optimal
10-20% of the optimal
10-20% of the optimal
Cloudy &
Depends on
the snow covering the
Depends on
the snow covering the
Depends on
the snow covering the panels

Frequently Asked Questions

Do solar panels also charge on cloudy days?

Modern solar panels work well even on cloudy days, even if the light doesn't fully penetrate, which in turn reduces the efficiency of your solar panels. Depending on a variety of factors, such as the amount and location of clouds, the optimal performance can be reduced by 50 to 70%.

Do solar panels also charge on rainy days?

Solar panels charge on rainy days. Depending on the amount and location of clouds, optimal performance can be reduced by 80 to 90%. Surprisingly, in some cases, rain can even increase the efficiency of your solar panels by washing away dust or dirt that blocks sunlight.

Are solar panels weatherproof?

Modern solar panels can withstand most weather conditions, from heavy rain and snow to strong winds of around 50 mph. The housings that protect the solar cells are highly waterproof. Before you buy, make sure your solar panels have all the necessary certifications.

Do solar panels produce less in hot weather?

Although solar panels rely on sunlight to function properly, heat can reduce the efficiency of your solar panels. Higher temperatures can increase the electrical resistance of the circuits and reduce the voltage that the module can produce. Therefore, hot temperatures can reduce the efficiency of your solar panels by around 10 to 25%.

Does cold weather affect solar panels?

Because solar panels are electronic devices, they tend to work more efficiently in cold temperatures. Therefore, colder temperatures can increase energy production, increasing the daily amount of electricity your solar panels can produce.

Do solar panels work when it's snowing?

If the solar panels are covered with snow, they cannot generate electricity, but this is usually not a problem. The panels generate heat, so the snow melts in a relatively short time. As the snow melts, your panels are rid of dirt and debris, which can actually increase their efficiency. In addition, the panels are attached at an angle, so that the snow usually falls off automatically.

How do you keep snow off solar panels?

Most panels are installed at a specific angle to capture sunlight. This angle usually prevents snow from sticking to the surface. You can either clean the panels yourself or wait for the snow to fall off or melt. This is usually accelerated as solar panels generate heat.

Do solar panels melt the snow?

Solar panels attract heat and are on average 20°C (36°F) warmer than the ambient temperature. This means that solar panels automatically melt the snow in a short time.

Do solar panels also work at night?

Solar panels require sunlight to function properly. Although solar panels can generate energy from street lanterns and the moon, the output is very small.
